Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The 10 Warning Signs of a Cheating Husband

<p>Trying to find out if your husband is cheating can be tricky. These days, married men can act so faithful in front of you while having an affair behind your back. No matter what act they try to play, they are still going to show some signs of cheating whether they realize it or not. Here are 10 warning signs of a cheating husband.</p><p>1. They will often show interest in things they didn't before. This may be the type of music they listen to or hobbies.</p><p>2. Cell phone behavior will change. Cheating husbands like to delete text messages and erase call history. They might take calls in private. They will keep there phone near them and most often hesitate to let you see it.</p><p>3. They will start paying more attention to there appearance. They might have new shaving habits. They often take more showers and will smell nicer. Wearing more appealing clothes will become a habit.</p><p>4. They will spend more time away from home. Husbands will usually tell their wives a bunch of excuses why they can't be home. This sign becomes more obvious when it just starts to happen out of nowhere.</p><p>5. Their computer usage increases. They will use this time to send emails to their mistress and communicate with them. They could probably do this without the wife not being aware of this.</p><p>6. Work hours and overtime may increase. This is what a cheating husband might tell their wife.</p><p>7. Distance will grow. They will probably feel uncomfortable around you and avoid certain situations with you.</p><p>8. Sex life decreases.</p><p>9. They will start fights or arguments with you for no apparent reason.</p><p>10. More money is being spent. A cheating husband will probably have to buy their mistress gifts or other things.</p><p>These are some of the warning signs of a cheating husband. Not all signs will tell you if your husband is cheating so it is a good idea to make sure there isn't a legitimate reason for their behavior before assuming its a sign.</p><p>If you see the <a target="_new" href="" rel="nofollow">signs of a cheating spouse</a> and want to find a quick and guaranteed way to confirm your suspicions, <a target="_new" href="" rel="nofollow">click here</a>.</p>

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