Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fresh Window Treatment Ideas For The Kitchen

Kitchen windows offer a great opportunity to express your personal sense of style and let the sunshine in, making your kitchen more pleasant for cooking, visiting or enjoying a meal. Kitchens don't demand the same level of privacy as say a bedroom, but you still may need to add protection from bright sunlight while you add a little decorative punch. Here are some very affordable ideas that are fun, stylish and perfect for bringing a little attitude to kitchen windows.
<br>Add a Decorative Shelf
<br>Everyone can use a little more display space in the kitchen. Install a glass shelf across your windows and you have a very prominent place to display your favorite collectibles or tend to a gathering of potted herbs or houseplants. Glass shelves will keep the space looking bright and open while still letting you show off pretty glass bottles filled with fresh flowers or a group of vintage cow creamers. Plus the glass is lightweight and easy to clean.
<br>Pretty-up a Plain Window Treatment
<br>Plain white blinds, shades or curtains are easy to embellish with paint and a stencil. Choose kitchen based themes like fruit and veggies or create an abstract design or cottage inspired rickrack look. Or how about adding text or graphics that tie into your Tuscan, French country or farmhouse theme?
<br>Resort to Frugal Tea-Towel Curtains
<br>Tea towels have gone from basic necessity to decorative accessory: You can find them in every color, style, pattern and design imaginable and you can pick them up for next to nothing at a discount store. If you like, you can customize them with ribbon, buttons or decorative edging of your choosing. Stitch a pocket hem on one end and hang them as café curtains with a curtain rod mounted at the level needed to fit your window's length.
<br>Brighten Up
<br>Brightly colored curtains, blinds or shades can add a pop of color to your windows. Choose your favorite colors in geometric shades, stripes, polka dots or other bold graphics. If you want to be really economical, choose plain white shades and create your own designs with contact paper, wall paper or decals.
<br>Build a Cornice
<br>A cornice is usually made from wood and painted or covered in fabric or wall paper. You can make your own with a piece of wood cut to fit the width of your window then draw a scrolled, arched or toothed design on the bottom portion of the board. Use a jigsaw to cut out your design then paint the wood or wrap it in the fabric of your choice. Neatly tuck the fabric on the back and secure with heavy duty staples.
<br>A little creativity goes a long way when it comes to decorating your kitchen windows. Browse online or in your favorite decorating magazines for fun ideas to use as your inspiration - then 'steal' the ideas that appeal most to you and customize the look for your kitchen.
<br>About the Author: Angela Glancy with has developed an interest in expanding the use of <a target="_new" href="" rel="nofollow">artisan metal wall art</a> and <a target="_new" href="" rel="nofollow">aluminum metal wall art</a>.

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