Friday, October 23, 2009

Web Content Management 101 - Tips on How to Make Your Articles Work

One of the key elements to a successful site is proper web content management. Forget about all the keyword stuffing hype and doing promos in your forums and employing intricate programs to confuse the bots crawling through the pages. These usually do not have positive or lasting results, and may even give search engine companies enough grounds to relegate your site to their listings of spam sites. And once you get there, your website is as good as gone. If you want your contents to work for you, here are a few things you really ought to know.
<br>1. Keep things very brief. If you think posting a 10,000 word product review will impress your targeted audience, then you have got another thing coming. The more long-winded you are, the less likely that people will bookmark your page, stumble you, or re-post your work on their sites. If you have a rather lengthy piece, try to post other parts of the article on separate web pages, but keep give a brief general overview of the article on both the first and last pages. Make sure also that the links to the other pages work. Nothing could be more infuriating (on the part of the reader) than links that lead to nowhere.
<br>2. Keep things simple. Juxtaposing high-falluting vocabulary on your treatises (or stringing together difficult to understand words on your article) may be a laugh at first, but many people may find your site too difficult to digest, especially web surfers who scan pages at a first glance. In the end, you only have your high brow language and no audience to read them on your behalf. The use of plain conversational language works much, much better when it comes to web content management.
<br>3. Make your article easy to grasp in a glance. The thing is: people surfing various websites are looking for contents that they can use, and they need to find these in a hurry. One way of making them take a second look at what you have posted is highlighting exactly what your article contains. You can do this by: placing a teaser on the first few lines of your article or simply putting paragraph headings and subheading in the main text.
<br>4. Use bulleted lists whenever applicable. Again, this is more beneficial to people who scan pages first to see whether or not the rest of the article is worth a read through.
<br>5. Use easy to read text fonts and color. It does not matter what web page design you have, just make sure that people can easily read what you have posted.
<br>6. If you are providing printable versions of your work, make sure that everything can be contained in one page. This way, you readers do not have to download several pages of the same article.
<br>7. Use an informational tone, instead of an infomercial tone. Present your ideas as your readers would want it. Assuredly so, web content management is not about presenting ideas that sound as if an advertising department made it out for you. Keep the tone light but packed with enough information that will make surfers want to know more.
<br>About the Author: Need a cheap <a href="" rel="nofollow">web content management</a> for your website? We have the lowest rates, highest quality, and best article writing and submission services available online! Come check out why internet marketers rank us #1 - Go to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.